4 Ways to Protect Your Dentures from Breaking

If your dentures break, visit your dentist right away instead of trying to fix them yourself. After all, your dentist has the required tools and techniques to repair your broken dentures properly. You may cause additional risk or infection when you try fixing them yourself. The chances of breaking dentures are significantly reduced if you get them from a renowned clinic. Ziva Dental offers the best dentures in San Antonio

While you can’t be sure whether the braces will break, you can surely take the necessary precautions. In this blog, we’ve listed four ways to protect your dentures from breaking. Let’s get to it. 

Wash Your Dentures Post Every Meal 

Ensure to remove your dentures after each meal and run water over them to rinse off the leftover food particles. If left uncleaned, these food stains and plaque can build up on your dentures and may put you at risk of developing gum disease and bad breath. So, rinse off your dentures after every small meal. 

Soak Your Dentures in Water Overnight 

Soak the dentures in water overnight to keep them clean and moist. Soaking them overnight also helps them retain their shape. It enables the tissue in your mouth to recover post wearing them all the time during the day and prevent germs from causing an infection. Take extra care when handling your dentures. If you get your denturesin San Antonio from a clinic like Ziva Dental, the likeliness of them losing their shape are less. However, it’s always advisable to take extra care. 

Don’t Place Your Dentures in Hot Water 

Placing them in hot water will only make them worse. It’ll cause them to warp and not align with your teeth anymore. Place them only in cold water and do not keep them in direct sunlight or other heat sources if they’re out of your mouth. 

Handle Your Dentures With Care 

Place a towel or a blanket around the dentures when they are not in your mouth as dropping them is the most common way they get broken. Towels help them give a soft landing when they’re likely to drop. Also, ensure you don’t bend your dentures or place heavy objects on them or they could easily break or fracture.  

Wrapping Up 

Hopefully, the blog helped you understand ways to take care of your dentures. If you have any questions or concerns regarding dentures or other dental treatment, contact Ziva Dental clinic. They have numerous dental treatments at affordable rates in San Antonio. Moreover, the doctors will help you choose the right treatment. 



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