How to Prevent Cavities in Kids?

Tooth decay or cavities is considered as a silent epidemic and is one of the most common disease not just in adults but also in children. In fact, it is considered the second most common diseases after the common cold.

Cavities in kids

However, the good news is cavities can be prevented. Dentists in San Antonio, TX suggested the following tips that will help you prevent cavities.

  • Proper Brushing Routine

For children, creating a proper tooth brushing routine is a must. If you start from tender age or early years, children tend to respond positively to it and would develop a healthy habit that they would carry ahead in the coming years. 

Make sure they brush twice a day, at least for two minutes in each session. Brushing for a proper amount of time will help ensure that they clean every part of the mouth and get rid of the bad bacteria. Supervise them to brush the entire teeth surface, even the backside of the teeth which often gets neglected. Till 8 years, it is advised to help your kids brush their teeth and supervise till age 11.

Brushing Routine

  • Brush Using Fluoride Toothpaste

For children of 2 years age and up, buy fluoride-containing toothpaste. Fluoride helps remineralize enamel and thereby prevents cavities. Research suggests, especially in children, fluoride is really helpful in preventing cavities.

Brush Using Fluoride Toothpaste

  • Limit Sugar Intake

Children tend to eat high sugary diets due to their love for candies and drinks. However, the amount of sugar in their diets is directly related to the rise in cavities. Make sure your children do not regularly consume a high sugar diet. You can also consult a doctor specializing in children’s dentistry in San Antonio for what nutrition your child needs in their diet.

  • Model the Right Behaviour

Children learn what they see their elders practice. One of the best things for parents to do is model the right behaviour by practicing the best oral care habits. Seeing their parents value oral health and hygiene reinforces the importance of it in children. Make sure the whole family does not sleep until they brush their teeth.

Dental Appointments

  • Regular Dental Appointments

Make sure you do not miss the regular dental appointments because cavities can impact your child's oral health. Consider visiting a dentist at least twice a year and get the oral health of your child inspected thoroughly.

Tooth decay in children can lead to extreme pain and might cause degradation of their performance. Prevention is always better than care. Follow the above tips to make sure your child does not catch the infection.


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